Tuesday, 29 January 2013


Film media In context: PRINT MEDIA
-The film is promoted using print media. One of the ways the film is promoted is through bill boards. Bill boards help the film become more known as bill boards are able to reach many people. Another way the film is promoted through print media is using magazines and film reviews. Film reviews either recommend or discourage people from watching the film. If its recommending people to watch the movie, it can increase the amount of people that are attracted to the film and that go and watch it. It is important that the film isn't only promoted through e-media. This is because the are people who do not use the internet, so they need to be informed through print media. Print media can reach far more people. 
-This is an example of print media. This magazine shows a review of the movie. In this review people are recommended to watch the film as its 'shredding light on what hip hop's about'. The author of this review is recommending whoever is reading the Empire Magazine to go and watch this movie and as they believe its a movie that's worth watching. It is very essential for the film review to be positive and to encourage people to watch the movie. If the film review was negative, it would reduce the amount of people that decide to watch this film, and this could highly affect the films reputation. 

This is an example of a bill board used to promote the film. This bill board is promoting the film as its showing an image of the film, the name of the film, who produced the film and who has produced this film. It is essential that a bill board shows when the movie is available to be watched, as this helps people be informed about the movie if they decide to watch it. Bill boards can be very affective when it comes down t promoting films or programmes. This is because bill boards can be used in different locations in order for them to reach more people.

  The film is also promoted through broadcast media. This is as its promoted through things such as DVDs, interviews, TV and radio. Ben Drew has attended many interviews and been to many programmes to promote the film. He is increasing the audience's knowledge about the film. 
In this interview, Ben Drew talks about how although he was kicked out of school, he does not lack knowledge. He mentions his values, and says that hip hop is misinterpreted by many people. He mentions that riots are taking place because children are not 'parented properly.' They feel like they are not worth anything, they leave the house and feel worse because of the media. He also mentions that he 'can see' the problem. He talks about how teenagers are misunderstood. He also mentions the celebrities that he's met. Interviews about Ben Drew are very essential as they increase the peoples knowledge about him and increase their knowledge about Ben Drew and his work.
In this interview Ben Drew talks about his video Stay too long. He mentions how his video is different from everything hes ever produced , he says that the only side he's shown before this video is the hip hop rap side. He felt that when he began rapping he had to be a 'certain' way but now that's going to change. He says that he doesn't need to be that way. He says he didnt feel comfartable enough to show his other side.  The reason Ben Drew has been attending many interviews is to promote his music and promote his film as well. This is known as synegy.

E media is an essential way to promote films.This is because in the time we live in, the internet gets through to a bigger audience. E media is really important as this film is aimed for teenagers and e media is an essential way to get to them. An example of the usage of e media to promote the film is the website of ILL MANORS. The website features the trailer, synopsis,


The Ill Manors website is an example of the promotion of Ill Manors through e-media. The website helps the audience gain some knowledge about the film Ill Manors, It features many things such as the trailer, which shows the films trailer to let the audience see some scenes from the movie that are very likely in attracting them. By clicking on the synopsis, you are able to read the storyline of the film, this is included to help the audience know what they are gonna watch beforehand. There's also a link to Ill Manors Facebook and Twitter website. This is for the audience to keep up with Ben Drew's work and find out more about the film. 

Print Media is not instant and free like E-Media
In today's society, E-media is able to reach far more people than print media.  There aren't many people who purchase print media anymore, as they can receive as much information from the internet. The internet is much faster, it can reach far more people, and its way cheaper. People are able to receive more information from the internet than things like newspaper. Due to the development of E-media, Print Media is threatened as the only people who still use it are older people rather than younger people.
TV is becoming less dictated by scheduling (skyplus), more and more specialist channels, competition from the likes of YouTube.
There is a lot of competition between the TV and YouTube. This is mainly due to the fact that in today's society young people are more likely to be on the computer than sit on the sofa to watch some TV. Less people are now following the schedules of TV programme's as they can watch everything they want on the computer whenever they want to. The TV now needs to compete with internet as the internet has far more viewers than the TV.
E-Media is hard to police (piracy) ; people are bombarded with information; social networking and increasing audience participation (user generated content)
The internet is very hard to police as there is a lot of piracy taking place. People receive way too much information from the internet, as anyone is able to post anything on the internet. People tend to receive way too much information on the internet. There's also an increase usage of the internet thanks to the development of social networking.
Many people are now adapting to the changes in technology. Many people are now purchasing the latest inventions and more people are now aware of the changes in technology. People are now beginning to rely more on technology than anything else.
Changing the audience behaviour
The audience are more open to the changes in the technology. The young are more likely to purchase the latest. This is due to the fact that they are more open to the idea of changes. The older people  are less likely to be very open to these changes as they find it more hard to understand how to use it and how to make it work.

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